We have a volunteer for co-option on to the Parish Council … Sheila Cottingham spoke at the Public Representation session to say she was willing to fill the vacant position on the Parish Council. She was keen that a person from Badgall should be present on the Council to voice concerns and opinions from Badgall. Sheila’s co-option will be an Agenda item at the February 21st meeting.

Once again financial matters took up most of the meeting, especially in view of the External Auditor’s criticisms of our accounting and our governance processes.

The Parish Precept for 2017/18 was raised by 2% to £1715pa. The hike was to offset (partially) the increase in Parish Clerk’s salary and allowances, agreed at £500pa and £100pa travelling time and mileage allowances, to met the need to recruit outside the parish. This amount (negotiable) was to be offered to the potential new Parish Clerk at interview (due 29th November).

To meet the External Auditor’s criticism of our accounting process, the Parish Council will now meet 5 times a year with the extra meeting timed for late April each year. This will expedite the end of year accounts’ early submission to our Internal Auditor, their timely return and onward submission, after our final scrutiny, to the External Auditor no later than 30th June. Also, we will separately consider our Governance Statement at the April meeting.

Under the Transparency Code, which is now mandatory, even for small Councils with a turnover of less than £25,000 pa, we are required to publish ON A WEBSITE WITH OPEN ACCESS TO THE PUBLIC, our essential documentation, including the statement of Accounts and of Governance. Laneast PC  will use the existing community website, the Badgall and Laneast Gazette. The Parish Council agreed to provide a grant to at least cover the cost of the site’s annual licensing (currently £55pa). The Parish Council’s element of the website will be populated with the necessary documents over the next 6 months by the new Clerk.

Behind the scenes and in the absence of a Parish Clerk, Cllr Burden agreed to ensure our Bank Mandate was up-to-date and that our PAYE return was in proper order.

Under Planning Matters, the Chairman reported that the refurbishment work on the Grade II listed property, Park View, at Badgall, had been approved by Cornwall Council. He also confirmed that he had written to the Head of Enforcement regarding the continuing industrial use of Trekenner Farm Barns. STOP PRESS: THE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER HAS CLOSED THE CASE AND WE UNDERSTAND THAT ALL INDUSTRIAL USE HAS NOW CEASED AND EQUIPMENT REMOVED.

Regarding the pent-roofed garage being built at 4 Inney View, Mr Haynes has shown evidence that he sought and got planning permission in 2012, PA12/063251.

Cornwall Councillor Vivian Hall reminded those present that he has a Community Chest for grants of up to £500 for worthy local projects. Sheila Cottingham suggested improved lighting from the car parking area at Laneast Square to the Church Room.

The next Parish Council meeting will be on 21st February, 2017.  The other dates for 2017 are:- 25th April, 16th May, 5th September and 21st November

Peter Stephenson, Chairman

Tel 86383, Mobile 07790816703